Thank You, Victor Valley and Two New Shows

Goldwell Open Air Museum near Rhyolite, Nevada

Gem & Mineral shows are a dying breed.  Run on a thin budget, staffed by volunteers, add to that difficulty in finding affordable venues, and a decline in interest in the hobby.  We lost a local show in the Los Angeles area for 2016 because the club does not have enough members to help.  A big “thank you” to the Victor Valley Gem and Mineral Club and the Victor Valley Museum for a fun show this past weekend in Apple Valley.

Now some good news.  The Southern Nevada Gem and Mineral Society will be hosting their second show in May of 2016 and the Pahrump Valley Rock Hounds, together with the Nye County Gold Seekers will hold a new show in October of 2016.  Both Shows are in Southern Nevada and the links for both shows are here:

If you are interested in vending at either of these shows, tell them Tim and Sherry sent you!  We hope your week is blessed