Gem & Mineral Show Today & A Goldfield Story


Goldfield, Nevada is a ghost town that isn’t quite dead yet.  A few active gold claims, rockhounding, old buildings and much more make this a destination for an old west enthusiast.  We met Sharon in Beatty, Nevada, earlier this month.  Sherry is pictured here with Sharon and this is Sharon’s Goldfield story:  In 1962 Earl Nesser filed claims for the Chalcedony outside of Goldfield.  While gold and silver were sought after, it was not unheard of for people to file claims for semi-precious minerals.  Arthur and Georgia Burton operated claims for many years and Georgia Burton Bowman purchased Earl Nesser’s claim in 1999.  Earl moved to Idaho. The New Jerusalem Mining Claim became the Goldfield Gem 1.  Georgia operated the fee-dig site on an honor system for many years,  The collecting site is listed in well known rockhound guides as being under claim of a Mrs. Bowman, or under no claim at all.  Since September of 2015 Sharon and her partner Nadiah registered and operate the Goldfield  Gem claims.  They continue the honor system of one dollar per pound for rockhounds.  Sharon offers a brochure and map, along with payment information.  Nadiah is working on their online presence.  Sharon and Nadia hope to make improvements to the site in the future and can be reached at or 775-485-3789.

Banded Chalcedony from the Goldfield Gem claim

We have several of these detailed brochures with us, here in Apple Valley.  The Gem and Mineral show runs through today at the Victor Valley Museum.  Hope to see you here.