Mushrooms in the Desert


At first, they looked like rocks.  Sherry’s sharp eye to saw that these were mushrooms – in the desert.  Record rains in April have brought out life you don’t often see in the desert.  Sherry saw this and a gopher snake on the side of the trail – that she stopped to get a “better” picture of.  We have enjoyed some outdoor time between shows this week.

Today we set up for the Southern Nevada Gem & Mineral Society’s annual show, part of the annual Spring Jamboree, here in Boulder City, Nevada.  Boulder City is unique in that they do not allow gambling and are more of a “family” oriented town, the gateway to Hoover Dam.

Sherry’s Gopher Snake Picture. As it slithered away.

Gems in the Desert


We found this cluster of garnets while rock hounding near Las Vegas in a wash. With time between shows we have been enjoying  some desert exploration and seeing family. This weekend we are part of the gem and mineral show at the Boulder City Spring Jamboree.

Fiesta and Family


Pictured here is Dave and his family. Dave is our show promoter here at the Fiesta. He celebrated his son’s birthday with a cake and shared this with us vendors, who he affectionately calls his “family.” Dave markets his business as Global Fashions LLC, here in Las Vegas. He hosts dozens of shows each year throughout Nevada.

Our show at the Fiesta Hotel and Casino finishes up today. Next weekend  we will be in Boulder City, the town that built the Hoover Dam.

Thank you, Dave, for making us a part of your family.