What do parachutes, jazz and rocks in Idyllwild have in common?

Parachutes billow in the breeze, shading the main stage.
Parachutes billow in the breeze, shading the main stage.

“You have the perfect spot,” more than one person told us. Our booth is opposite the main stage entrance. Towering pines shade us as we listen to world known jazz performers.  While this is our third year here for the Jazz in the Pines, we have met people and families that have attended for years.

We have enjoyed the music, meeting old friends and making new ones. Vending is the culmination of many hours of travel, collecting trips, hours in the studio creating our art, and the preparation for selling. I must admit that the best part is the time I spend with my wife, Sherry.

Pure Fluorite is Clear


Mention fluorite and people think toothpaste.  We think cool mineral and fluorescence.  I made these pendants from fluorite mined in Mexico.  The green and purple colors come from other impurities present when it was formed.  Under ultraviolet light, these pendants glow green, others, violet.

Fluorite received its name in 1797 from the Latin fluere, to flow, for its use as a flux.  Its uses range from ceramics to jewelry and other chemical applications.  Metaphysical characteristics include healing, strength and mental clarity.

This coming weekend we will be in Idyllwild for the 23rd Annual Jazz in the Pines.  We are looking forward to the music.