Getting ready for big show in Joshua Tree


Now in their 41st year, this huge Gem & Mineral Show in Joshua Tree, California gets better every year.  The JT Sportsmen’s Club uses this event as a fundraiser.  Proceeds support the local gem and mineral society as ell as other community projects in the High Desert area.  This would be a great time to visit Joshua Tree National Park, together with the show.  Wednesday through Sunday, Sept 28 to Oct 2.  Find us in spaces 1 & 2, just inside the main gate.  Hope to see you there.

Get your free flag, register & vote


We are giving away FREE window flags with every purchase (on-line and at our shows) from now until Election Day to encourage people to VOTE.  If you are not registered to vote, REGISTER, before the deadline.  The right to vote in America has been a progressive policy towards equality.   The freedoms of citizenship should not be overlooked.

Did you know that Saudi Arabia was the last country to allow women to vote in 2015?  And, the Vatican is the only “country” left that does not allow women to vote.

There are many issues and candidates on the ballot besides the choice for a new president.  In California there are 18 ballot initiatives, in addition to all the local, state and national candidate races.  Register, get out and vote.

Did you say, “Six weeks in the Desert?”

Sherry & Tim visiting Historic Mt. Whitney Hatchery, Independence, California

We are soon to embark on a six-week trip of shows throughout the Mojave Desert of California and Nevada and we are excited!  Our schedule will take us through the heart of the desert, to historic sites, music festivals, gem & mineral shows and conclude with an old-fashioned western days celebrations.  Check Our upcoming show and activity schedule by clicking here, follow us on facebook, sign up for our blog or better yet, come out and visit us as we trek through the desert.