Pendant and earrings we made from fossil shell. New item for this show.
We’re almost set up and have met some neat people. Locals, lots of locals and they are wonderful, a biker from Henderson and a couple from Hawaii. After a fine dinner in the Pioneer Saloon, we’re ready for bed. The Friday night crowd will have to party without us!
We are looking forward to a good show. The Pioneer Saloon is a family business, here in the not so ghost town of Goodsprings, here in Nevada. They truly have a passion for what the do and have made us feel welcome.
Seven Magic Mountains is the name of this piece of modern art installed just outside of Jean, Nevada. The crystal hunting was a bust for crystals but we saw awesome scenery and this modern art. If you look closely, you can see Sherry standing at the base of one of the seven “mountains,” dwarfed by their massive size. Made up of some 33 brightly colored boulders, it is quite a sight.
There are other sites, near ghost towns throughout the desert that have modern art installations. Enjoy!
Outside the restored Kelso Depot in the Mojave National Preserve.
We passed through the Mojave National Preserve today on our way to Goodsprings, Nevada. The preserve, at 1.6 million acres, is just a small part of the Mojave Deser. Hundreds of different plants and animals, basins, mountains, ancient cultures and modern man, create the most diverse of America’s four deserts. Needless to say, this is a special place for us.
We hope to explore more of the Mojave around Goodsprings this week before our show at the Pioneer Saloon this weekend.
Columbus Day helps make this a long weekend for many. What better way to celebrate the spirit of adventure and discovery than to get out and explore. Hope to see you there.
Our hobby on the road: Stained Glass Art, Minerals, Crystals, Jewelry, Rockhounding