Are you like Elaine?

Me with my friend, Elaine, wearing her new Turquoise ring

Elaine walks from here home to the thrift store where she volunteers every week.  I gave her the ring and she immediately put it on – it was a perfect fit.  She showed it to everyone that came in.  A ring started nearly half a century ago, now completed. 

“Is that your son,” one asked.  “A good friend,” Elaine replied.  Anyone would be proud to call her “Mom.”

We visited for about an hour.  I listen to her stories, enjoy her sense of humor and her sweet spirit.  The love she has for God and others is evident as she speaks.  Stories of hard work and devotion to a husband she loves very much, his life of military service and her roles as wife, mother, career woman, and friend.

Our mutual love for lapidary and rocks brought us together.  Elaine is part of what is right about this world.  Thank you, Elaine, for sharing and caring. 

Are you like Elaine?

Turquoise Ring for a Friend – What do you think?


The ring is sterling silver and I made the two baugettes of turquoise.  The ring is a gift for a friend. This friend made the ring many years ago using the lost wax method of casting.  She is the spouse of an Air Force veteran.  Many years ago they were stationed at a base that had a lapidary shop.  She related her joy in working with gemstones and learning, among other things, silversmithing.  I hope she likes it.