Kyanite: Doesn’t that kill Superman?

“Doesn’t that kill Superman?” asked a young boy at a show once, after seeing a specimen label “Kyanite,” in our booth at a show.   The sky blue of kyanite makes it a popular stone.  Its many metaphysical properties adds to its popularity.  Any stone with natural blue color is popular as well.  Blue is representative of life and strength, thus, often the color of royalty.

I recently had time to finish these kyanite rings.  Creating in batches is easier as I made two dozen and placed them in these old ring boxes for safe keeping until our next show: Check our show schedule.

There is an old kyanite mine in Southern California, called the Blue Bird Mine.  Kyanite was mined for its use in ceramics, a good insulator.  Rich in aluminum, kyantie is found in metamorphic rock.  The kyanite of the Blue Bird mine is mostly small crystals imbedded in the host rock I believe is quartzsite.  

Desert Arms Lifted In Prayer

Early settlers likened the Joshua Tree to arms raised in prayer, like Joshua of the Bible…and the name stuck. It grows at altitudes of 2,000 to 6,000 feet. We are just above 3,000 feet at Red Rock, just west of Las Vegas. 

There is a ghost town in Nevada, filled with Joshua Trees, named Palmetto. Those settlers thought the Joshua Trees were Palm trees!

Today we move to an RV park in town. We had extended our time here to be supportive to our Mom. She is still in rehab and your ongoing prayers are appreciated.


Why is it called “Death Valley?”

Death Valley has the distinction of being the hottest place in the world, the lowest point in North America, has snow capped mountains, a stream filled with small fish and a desert oasis.  What a place of contrast!  Gold rush era travelers, lost in the valley, upon leaving were to have said, “so long death valley,” – and the name stuck.

The world famous Furnace Creek Ranch, a private resort within the national park, was renamed Oasis at Death Valley.  And with the multi-million make over it will be even more spectacular.  Sherry and I visit Death Valley two times each year.  In March we will be there for the Spring Art Show. 

We thought, if you have not visited recently, or never at all, this would be a great time to visit.  Check  Our Show Schedule, recently updated and plan a trip this Spring and you may also be treated to the annual wildflower display!  There are many different  lodging options from hotel, motel, to RV hook-ups to dry camping.

Start planning now for your Death Valley experience.  You will not be disappointed.