All posts by Sherry & Tim

“Do you have any Christmas spirit?” My wife asked me.

Heart pendant we made of lapis

Running errands in heavy traffic – No, no Christmas spirit.  Tried to find some Christmas music on the radio – None.  I must admit that I really do not like Christmas.  Probably because so much of it is fake .  A major religion tried to replace a pagan winter celebration with the birthday of Jesus.  Centuries later we have a blend of mostly myth and self indulgence and a little bit of Jesus.  Millions of people in the world celebrate neither.  Please do not call me a “hum-bug” yet.

I did not find Jesus until I was an adult.  No one was badgering me to be religious or follow a certain way.  I actually had to seek out a minister to enlighten me.  Knowing Jesus has changed my life and given me a sense of freedom and joy that words defy.  Jesus said to seek him while he may be found.  After a week or so, most evidence of Christmas will be gone and a new year takes form.  What will we have left?  Most people are not happy, they do not like their job, they fret about finances and have family and personal problems.  Jesus still is the answer.

My faith, to me, is all the evidence I need to believe in a loving God.  As a rockhound, amateur geologist, mineralogist and artist, I see God in every rock, mineral and crystal, in nature and all the world around me.  I see the joy of salvation, the joy of life, the joy in my marriage, the joy in my hobbies, the joy in meeting other people and the joy in being able to share my faith in Jesus.

May you truly have a blessed Christmas and a Spirit filled and Happy New Year.

The Lady & the Spheres in Norco


The man was elderly with each step slow and purposeful as he came into our booth, here in Norco. “My wife wants the one with the red in it,” he said. She had been our booth the day before – six times he related. Well it took looking and a phone call to determine that she wanted the ruby in fuschite and separatism spheres. ” Just buy me one,” she told him.


He bought her both. “She just loves rocks,” he said. We are here in Norco at Hillside Farms through the afternoon. Hope to see you here.

Sierra Snow Pack in Norco


I had this slab of agate with dendritic inclusions that came from a batch of small slabs I tumbled. The artist holding the slab that she bought from us and beaded, loves it so much that she will not sell it. I named the piece Sierra Snow Pack. Come see this piece and more that she has beaded, here in Norco, at Hillside Farms. Sherry and I will be here through Sunday.