Rare Pup fish live in a pool of water that disappears into a cavern over 500 fee deep in a part of Death Valley National Park within the Ash Meadows National Wildlife Refuge, in Nevada. The government has protected this area for over six decades. Back in the 60’s, three scuba divers broke through the fence and entered the underground system. One was lost and even with many rescue dives, the body was never found. While the park service has sent professional divers to explore – the bottom has never been found. Earthquakes around the world have caused waves of six feet in this water, a constant 93 degrees. Ash Meadows also has a spring that puts out 2,800 gallons a minute. We tried to visit this area last November, but flooding had washed out some roads. We hope to visit Ash Meadows this week. And you thought the desert was dry.
All posts by Sherry & Tim
Palm Oasis in Death Valley
Death Valley Spring Art Show This Weekend
The wildflowers are in full bloom in Death Valley National Park. We will be there this weekend for the Death Valley Chamber of Commerce Spring Art Show, Saturday and Sunday, March 12 & 13 at Furnace Creek Ranch. We captured this flower pic last year. If you have never visited Death Valley or have not seen the flowers in their rare bloom now is a good time. Hope to see you there.