All posts by Sherry & Tim

From the Moon to Your Throat


Dichroic glass had it’s beginning well over 100 years ago before NASA used it in helmet coating for astronauts. The magic of reflecting and absorbing light gives dichroic glass it’s unique beauty.

We enjoy using dichroic glass in our projects, seen here in this pendant of dichroic  glass set in silver that I recently finished  See this and more this weekend, here in Laughing at the Edgewater  Hotel and Casino.

Happiness & the “People” Factor


Volunteers give something that can never be replaced: THEIR TIME.  In my years as a nurse, I appreciated the hours that volunteers gave at the hospital and later when I worked in hospice.  The recent show we did at the Los Angeles Arboretum was possible because volunteers of the Monrovia Rockhounds club.  Dozens of tables, huge eight foot folding tables, needed to be set up for the dozens of dealers that would be exhibiting that weekend.  Myself and another vendor, Eric, assisted the two club members that morning in this task.  The next morning, show day, more tables needed and we volunteered to roll those huge banquet table outside.

It is the “people” connection that we enjoy the most about “vending” at art, craft and gem/mineral shows.  A recent study confirmed that the “happiest” people were those with strong social connections – friends, family, church, clubs, etc.

Many shows are run by promoters trying to make a living and many clubs have shows as fundraisers.  We do both types of shows. While we operate our “hobby” as a business, pay taxes, keep books, compute profit or loss – we also compute the “people” factor.

Jo Anna and the Moroks add the “people” factor that make this a fun show.  I did not expect this printed certificate of appreciation that I received in the mail – but it was nice – thank you, Jo Anna!

This weekend we will be in Laughlin, Nevada. Hope to see you there.

Thousands of Miles in a Paper Bag


Thousands of miles in a paper bag:  five different minerals in a brown paper bag, add a small colorful label, that we sell for one dollar.  Each mineral collecting trip includes Sherry’s goal to pick-up enough pieces to make mineral grab bags that change with each batch.

Above are one hundred jus made, complete and with a list of what is in each bag.  Five buckets, bags, labels, stapler and patience conclude what started out as one rock at a time picked up on trips that total thousand of miles.  Fun, educational, only one dollar, and that is part of the “minerals” of Bustin Glass and Minerals.

We have added some new shows for April and look forward to a respite before going back on the road later this month.  Check out our show schedule and hope to see you there!