All posts by Sherry & Tim

23rd Jazz in the Pines in Idyllwild

Jazz 2016

This year they will have 4 stages of music, 27 performing artists and 50 vendors selling everything from food and drink to hand crafts and fine art.  And, that is where you will find Sherry and me.  Two days, this Saturday and Sunday, August 20 and 21.  We are located by the main stage, more traditional Jazz, our preference.  This will be our third year.

If you like Jazz, consider escaping the heat and come up to Idyllwild.  The festival is hosted by the Idyllwild Arts Foundation and is their premiere fund raising event of the year.

New mineral discovery by rockhound?

Joselynite viewed in short wave ultraviolet light
Joselynite viewed in short wave ultraviolet light

We met Robert last week at the Nipomo gem and mineral show.  He is a new rockhound and found this rock along the central coast of California.  None of the local club members could identify what it is so he named it after his daughter, Joselyn – Joselynite.  He has made a sphere and other items.  I took these pictures of pieces that he gave to us as a gift.

Joselynite viewed in natural light
Joselynite viewed in natural light

Feel free to contact Robert if you can identify his rock or if you are interested in obtaining some. Here is his email address:

Joselynite sphere viewed in UV light - photo by Robert Bischoff
Joselynite sphere viewed in UV light – photo by Robert Bischoff

What do these have in common? Orcutt, La Brea Tar Pits and Nipomo

100 years ago William Orcutt, a geologist, was a pioneer in the California oil industry.  He also was a paleontologist, who brought the now famous La Brea Tar Pits to light.  Our hosting club, here at the gem and mineral show at Nippon, is named for him.

It takes 30 pieces to make this beautiful she'll themed sun catcher by Sherry.
It takes 30 pieces to make this beautiful shell-themed sun catcher by Sherry.

Today is our last day at Nipomo  High School for the Orcutt Gem and Mineral Show.  This year was their 49th and best.  I wonder what is in store for their 50th next year!