All posts by Sherry & Tim

Lost in Space

Lost in Space

Look into this pendant of obsidian.  See the night sky and get lost in the vastness of its space. We collected this obsidian not far from where we are now, on a previous trip.

Today we finish the show in Bishop, then a few days of R&R before heading home. Bishop is a special place, here in the Eastern Sierra Nevada’s. The people are special and we have had a nice time.

Can you see what’s hidden in the picture?

Wondrstone Pendant Faces

Each slice of rock reveals a different picture. This pendant I made from a piece of Wonderstone that we collected in Northern Nevada a few years ago.  Everybody sees something different. What do you see?

This weekend we are back in Bishop California for the art show in the park. It is so good to see old friends, meet new ones and it was a treat to have Aunt Cathe visit with our cousins Dennis and Lisa. Hope your holiday is Blessed.


We Added 14 New Evershine Pewter Items, Tell Us Which One You Like Best!

Butterfly Pendant 1.6x2.7in

We recently added 14 new Evershine Pewter pendants to our store.  Featured above is stunning butterfly pendant.  With 240 pewter items and dozens of unique one-of-a-kind items from jewelry to fossils, we hope you enjoy browsing in our store.  To see the new pewter items, click on the pewter or jewelry category and sort by “newness”  Click here to go to our Shop  Check it out and let us know which items you like best!