A ceramic mask outlined in colorful glass is one of Sherry’s new pieces she recently completed. We are off to Bridgeport, California for their annual 4th of July celebration. The show runs Wednesday through Saturday. Family fun for all ages as this small American town explodes with thousands of visitors and fireworks tha are amazing. Hope to see you there.
Sherry added an Evershine pewter boot to this opalite heart making stunning pendants that are always popular.
Mule Days is one of our biggest shows – and fun, too!
We are part of Art in the Park and have an almost front row view of the parade on Saturday. It boasts being the largest non mechanized parade in America. And with all the mules and other animals, marchers, etc. it seems to go on all morning. Hope to see you there.
Where is Bishop? On the edge of the Sierra Mountains, on Highway 395 in Central California. A truly beautiful mountain paradise.
Wonderstone, is like snowflakes: no two are alike. The swirls of silica form patterns that allow our imagination to see almost anything. What do you see in this pendant? We collected this rock while on a trip in Northern Nevada.
This week we will be showing at the Spring Gem and Mineral Show in Joshua Tree California. The show is held at the Sportsmen’s Club. A community center in town, just outside of Joshua Tree National Park. Daily, Thursday through Sunday, this show is always great. AT 60 dealers, it is a big show.
What could be better than combining a great show with a great National Park. Hope to see you there.
Our hobby on the road: Stained Glass Art, Minerals, Crystals, Jewelry, Rockhounding