I finished slabbing the blue sodalite and decided the 24″ slab saw was long overdue to be mucked out and have its cutting oil changed. The process involves a pipe wrench, 5 gallon buckets, squeegee and scraper, newspaper and rags – lots of rags. I finished completely soiling my oil by slabbing some Death Valley Indian Paint Jasper. Wearing old clothes and a messy job – sparing you the details – I added 5 gallons of new mineral oil after the saw was clean(er). (Now a plug for a friend, Kevin who sells stellar lubricants. You can find him on the web.) I like Kevin’s oil because it cuts well, is affordable and smells nice as he adds a citrus fragrance and other stuff to his oil – it smells really nice.
Now the picture – look closely. I have clamped a crystal between the two jaws of the saw, as seen through the viewing window on top of the saw. It glistens as it is coated with the oil that lubricates the saw blade – a steel blade impregnated with diamonds to facilitate cutting. After cutting the ragged base off of this quartz crystal, it will literally double its value.
Joshua Tree Sportsmen’s Club is the host of this awesome Gem & Mineral Show of over 50 dealers. Rough rock, slabs, minerals, crystals, fossils, pewter jewelry and beautiful glass art – and that is just OUR booth. Imagine what the other 49+ dealers have. Five days, Wednesday, September 29 through Sunday, October 3. This outdoor event is safe and fun for the entire family. Hope to see you there.