Cattle & Agates

Cattle on a local ranch, here in Martin, South Dakota

“I want to own a feed lot and make a lot of money,” the young boy responded after asking him what he wanted to do when he was older.  The other boy, who was showing his pigs at the fair, as part of 4-H wants to be a veterinarian.  What we enjoyed most at the Cuming County Fair in West Point, Nebraska were the great number of children that freely wandered the fair for its four-day run.  We do not see this many children in our California, Arizona or Nevada shows.  Many of the children are involved in 4-H and show everything from cattle to turtles, from photography to sewing.

We are enjoying some time with our children in Martin, South Dakota:  a rural land where cattle outnumber people by the thousands and dirt roads well outnumber paved ones.  Ranching and farming rule this land of rolling hills and endless plains.

Our Great Eclipse Trip of 2017 is more than half over and the eclipse less than a week away.  Today our son took us on a tour of a local rancher that raises cattle on a 10,000 acre ranch that the family has held for over one hundred years.  While enjoying a view of its 340 acre lake I think we found some agate that looks promising.  Perhaps a Fairburn Agate?