Keep America Beautiful

East of Death Valley is Death Valley Junction, home to the Amargosa Opera House, (once a borax mining operations center for the Ryan Mine) and roads to Death Valley, California and Nevada.  We often explore the BLM (Bureau of Land Management) area surrounding this historic site.

There is an area that runs for almost a mile along a dirt road that was an old dump site.  A century ago it was not uncommon to just dump trash on the side of the road, just outside of town or city limits, often setting it on fire and just leaving what did not burn behind.  Evidence seems to date this expansive dump site to almost one hundred years ago.  It consists mostly of broken glass and rusting cans.  One hundred years ago people did not throw away as much as we do today!

This month we see the BLM has added the no dumping signs in a few places over the past year.  While we did not see any evidence of recent illegal dumping it is a good reminder to help keep America clean and beautiful.   Noteworthy is that the Keep America Beautiful campaign dates back to 1953.

Back home today, mineralogy symposium and field trip this weekend, then off the Vegas for the Glass Craft and Bead Expo.  Hope your week is blessed.