How many pieces of glass in this window?

My Uncle Dan had salvaged this window from a home being demolished many years ago in my home town of Westfield, New Jersey.  Sherry’s passion for stained glass allows her to better appreciate this window she saw stored in their garage.  They surprised us with the window as a gift a few years ago.  It hangs on our deck and this is the view looking east.  We enjoy it every day.  Dozens of pieces of glass make up this work of art.  Can you count how many?

At this time of year we are reminded, among other things, of family.  We treasure the window, given us as a gift, more special because of the givers:  I treasure knowing my Aunt Rosemary and Uncle Dan and the many holiday memories that included them. 

Sherry and I would like to wish all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year.  You all are part of our extended family and part of the reason we do this.  Thank you.