Gold Saves Life of Child

Dragon Fly in Grass
Dragon Fly Fused Glass Pendant

The execution of all children age two and under has been ordered by the king of this mid-eastern county.  A father got word of the plot and used a recent gift of gold to take his young son and wife and escape.  The story takes place two thousand years ago.  The child is Jesus and the wicked King is Herod.  You can read the whole story in Matthew, chapter 2.

With the continued unrest in the mid eastern countries, radical Islam, and a general disregard for God, we see the world has not changed much.  We need our Saviour just as much today as they did back then.

As you celebrate Christmas this year, remember Jesus.  They tried to kill him as a toddler, he was killed as an adult, but came back to life.  Most people try to kill the idea of Jesus today.  As a gift of gold helped keep Jesus alive back then, use your gift of free speech to tell others about our Jesus today.

Merry Christmas and a Happy and Spirit Filled New Year!