Riverside County Fair and National Date Festival

Every food vendor was required to have at least date related item. After 77 years, the fair celebrates this delicious fruit – one of my favorites. Hint: go to the Taj Mahal building and you can get a free sample date and learn more about the date industry, here in the Coachella Valley.

We are in the Gem and Mineral Building. Lots to see and learn, there as well. The club has demonstrations, and the sphere machine is almost hypnotic to watch. Minerals, crystals, gemstones, jewelry, and so much more.

Oh, and the rides! The Zipper ride seems to be favorite; fairgoers have been telling us. Oh, and the food! Sherry asks people what their favorite food item is. Deep fried Oreo cookie? They have that – have not tried it. There is lots of entertainment. Buy your ticket on-line and save. Kids under 5 are free, etc. Check out the fair website. The pig races and dog show are near us and very entertaining.

This year we entered competition cases and Sherry won three first place ribbons and a best of show. I won two first place ribbons. We are having a lot of fun and go home tired each day.

There is something for everyone of all ages at the fair. The fair runs for two more weeks. Stop by and say hello.

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