It is Okay to Believe: Our Christmas Letter to You

This year at one of our shows we met Dr Robert “Bob” Wright the director of the Flood Museum and author of the book “A Flood of Hope: It’s Okay to Believe,” along with his lovely wife Carol.  Bob is a retired Navy Nuclear Engineer on fast attack submarines.  Bob and Carol are devoted to spreading the gospel by focusing on the truth of Noah and the world-wide flood of the Bible.  I highly recommend this easy to read, science-based book. 

Visiting with family, old friends, and making new ones, like the Wrights, is what makes our travels to sell our craft so much fun.  Craft Fairs, Art Shows, Gem & Mineral Shows and Renaissance Fairs throughout California, Nevada, Arizona and Utah all provide an eclectic cross section of America.  We live in an awesome country!

We have been touched this year by the milestones and achievements of friends and family:  births, deaths, illnesses, recoveries, engagements, and weddings.  The Viking-Themed wedding of our Son Isaac and his wife Brittany was quite the event that we were able attend:  the bride was beautiful in her elegant flowing dress, accompanied by her costumed groom and their six children.

We relish news from family and friends as we are all challenged to stay in touch.  Thank you, to those that do!  Precious memories that go into what we call a lifetime.

How will we be remembered?

Among others, our dear friend and family member, Pat, passed away, as many of you know.  She, like Tabatha of the Bible2 was remembered for her many acts of charity, including her quilts, crafts and her fudge!  Peter raised Tabatha from the dead and the story concludes “and many believed in the Lord.”

Our hope and prayer for 2023 is that you are enjoying the blessing of being a child of God, his promise to meet all our needs and give us peace, in addition to the promise of eternal life, through his son, Jesus Christ.

Our Love, Sherry and Tim

PS We will be in Quartzsite for most of January and our show schedule will be updated as we confirm our 2023 calendar. Have a safe and spirit filled holiday!

2Acts 9:36-42