The moon goddess Selene would be proud of this 5″ sphere of selenite that has been made into a lamp. It sits on a ring of selenite and comes with a long electric cord and bulb. Most pagan cultures worshipped a moon and a sun god. Selene, the Greek goddess of the moon, was thought to be wise. Ancients believed selenite, a gypsum mineral, was frozen moon beams and to own a piece would yield wisdom, equal to Selene. Most likely you are already surrounded by a version of this wisdom giving mineral within the walls of your home. The sheetrock of your walls is made from gypsum. Do you feel wiser?
The rock show of Tyson Wells, here in Quartzsite begins on Friday January 7. Pre-sales have been good. While some wholesalers have lamented shipment delays, there is no shortage of things to buy. Fun, safe and outdoors, hope to see you here. And you can even buy a piece of the moon!