“I will never complain about a British summer again”

Delicate Arch, Arches National Park, 2007

Temperatures were well over 100 as a heat wave overtook the southwest.  It was July of 2007, zig-zagging through Utah, I wanted to tour Arches National Park, where I snapped these pics.  I had underestimated the heat and did not bring enough water for this hike and self-imposed a limit on what I was to see that day.  This geologic wonder of a park offers almost no shade other than that provided by the arches themselves.  As I approached one of these natural wonders I overheard an elderly couple, often called “pensioners,” in England.  Resting in the shade of the arch, flushed from the heat, she proclaimed to her mate in heavy English accent, “I will never complain about another British summer again!”  (London’s July temperature average is 66 – compared to Utah’s average of 90.)

Couple from Britain, Arches National Park, 2007

Ten years later, another heat-wave.  Two “pensioners,” Sherry (my mate) and I plan to travel through Utah on the first leg of our trip this summer – and bring lots of water.

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