Broken and Twisted Canopies

Tim and Sherry at the Lake Havasu Renaissance Fair costumed as merchants from the Far East.

The broken and twisted canopies and commercial tents were all around the fairgrounds on Friday morning.  At first light I went to see what damage our tents had sustained.  The wind was strong and one corner of our tent roof was flapping wildly in the wind.  Our damage was minimal, but a total loss for others. We have learned how to stake down better for unexpected weather.  The wind which had been howling since 2 A.M. blew all day. We did not open. 

Such are the hazards of a outdoor vendor. Morning rain and a cloudy day made for poor attendance Saturday.  We managed to sell enough to clear our expenses.  Today will be sunny and warm.  We hope to have a good day.

We did had fun at our first renaissance fair enjoying the costumes and events that plunged us back into middle-aged England for a weekend.

Next week the Lake Havasu Balloon Festival.  Hope your week is Blessed.

4 thoughts on “Broken and Twisted Canopies”

    1. Thank you,
      We finally have had a few days to relax and just now have a day of internet access. Hope to see you at Yucaipa for the music festival.

  1. I like your outfits. You look very natural in them!!! Glad you didn’t lose your tent. Your booth is always so nice and inviting. careful out there! God’s speed homeward!

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