Updated Gallery Pages

Barbed Wire Art, found in the “Eclectic” Gallery

We have updated our “Gallery” pages to reflect some of the new work we have been doing.  Often, while attending a show more than once, people that have become familiar with us will ask, “What is new?”

“Desert Sunburst” was created by Sherry using antique glass shards found in the desert along with orange calcite, located in the “Glass Art” Gallery

Sherry has been working with brushed aluminum, barbed wire, desert glass and some new minerals.  Tim has been layering glass with a “cold fusion” process, focusing on dichroic glass of varying designs.

Three layers of glass fused, then set in a silver tray can be viewed in the “Prime Collection”

Feel free to visit our galleries and let us know what you think:  http://bustinglassandminerals.com/gallery/

Our store is not very big, but if you see something in one of the galleries that you are interested in, let us know.  We are currently in Las Vegas for a show this weekend and are enjoying seeing family and old friends and meeting new ones!  We hope your week is blessed.