Start at the round-a-bout and meet the San Bernardino Sheriffs and emergency services people. You can learn about life saving CPR. Pass commercial vendors with a plethora of merchandise. See the artists and what a mixed media of delight for the eyes. Come to the Gem and mineral show and see nature’s treasures (and Sherry’s beautiful glass). Finish at the kids zone, but not before more community service booths and some cute dogs for adoption.
Now, add lots of music, a flower show off to the side and much, much more. All this for free. There is still time to come out alone, with family or friends. Today from 12 to 7. Stop by and say hello.
Yucaipa has done well with its old fashioned street fair. Thank you to the City of Yucaipa and the Yucaipa Gem & Mineral Club for a job well done.