Being Thankful

Bear carved from Nephrite Jade we collected in southern California

While the Pilgrims came to America almost 400 years ago for a more tolerant religious environment, most came to conduct business.  Like England, all 13 colonies, had a “state” or mandated religion as part of its charter or business contract.  All colonies chose the Church of England a their state religion – except two.  One was Catholic, Maryland and one was Baptist, Rhode Island.  The Baptists of Rhode Island were progressive and allowed religious freedom for all who lived within there borders.  It was the Baptists of Rhode Island that later insisted on the first amendment that gives us religious freedom and prohibits the government from imposing a “state” religion.

Christianity, true Christianity, makes all people free and equal in the eyes of God.  He gave us free will to either accept or reject Him.  Do not reject God because of the choices you or others have made.  Do not reject God because others have perverted His message of love.

I am most thankful for my God and His love for me to provide His Son Jesus to be my Savior.  Keep and open mind and be thankful.  “In every thing give thanks.” I Thes 5:18